Your Year-Round Guide to a Healthy Grass Sod Lawn
Late February
A light dose of fertilizer will help your lawn perk up. The fertilizer can be a mix or simply straight nitrogen.
Mixtures should consist of mostly nitrogen, i.e. a higher first number such as 20-5-10, 12-4-18, etc.
Approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of a lb. of actual Nitrogen/1000 sq. ft. should be applied.
Mid to Late March
Apply the first application of Crabgrass Preventer.
If any weeds are present, apply a Broadleaf Weed Killer at this time.
Late May
6 to 8 weeks after the first application, a second dose of Crabgrass Preventer should be applied. This is especially important if the grass is clipped short.
July to September
The hot summer months are when Fescue and Bluegrass are prone to diseases such as Brown Patch. Factors such as high temperature, humidity, moisture, and fertility aggravate diseases.
Watering should be done only in the early morning and only enough to keep the grass alive. Also traffic should be kept to a minimum.
Brown Patch can be treated preventively with fungicides when conditions are to be favorable. It should be re-applied every 3 to 4 weeks until conditions improve. Also, the disease can simply be left to run its course. As long as the grass is left high (3 to 4 inches), it will usually not kill any of the grass, only make it look less attractive.
Mid-September to Late-September
Fertilize with a mix ratio of 3-1-2 at a rate of 1 lb. of Actual Nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft.
Mid-September to Mid-October
Overseed Fescue at a rate of 4 to 6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. with whatever variety is prevalent in your yard.
Early December
Fertilize with a mix ration of 3-1-2 at a rate of 1 lb. of Actual Nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft.
Note on Nitrogen Specifications
With fertilizer specifications, the first number is Nitrogen, the second number is Phosphorus, and the third number is Potassium.
So, if 20-5-10 is used, 20% is Actual Nitrogen, 5% is Phosphorus, and 10% is Potassium.
The rest is inert matter.
This means to obtain 1 lb of Nitrogen over 1000 sq. ft. you’ll need to apply 5 lbs. of fertilizer to the area.
It is true that if clippings are left on the surface or mulched that less fertilizer is required. However, trees and shrubs use up a great deal of nutrients and water.
Please contact us to discuss homeowner and wholesale prices.